9/11 Truth is going from strength to strength. Here in Oxford, we've been running a series of weekly street stalls which have gone down very well with the general public. It's this feeling of change in the air which has led me to make several major changes to 911inthemedia:
1 - Previously the site was anonymous. It was my intention to contact media analysts in order to interest them in the unfair way in which 9/11 Truth has been dealt with by the mainstream media. I contacted several and received no replies. I felt that by being anonymous, I would stand a better chance of being taken seriously, because it would only take a quick internet search to reveal that I have a reasonably long and deep involvement in 9/11 Truth. Thanks to Ian Neal for highlighting the blog at The War on Freedom forum and apologies for my anonymous reply. I have since realised that we can't wait for so called media professionals to take our case to the public - we simply have to do it ourselves. Be the media, Indymedia style.
2 - I always tried to write in as neutral tone as possible, and this will not change.
3 - The C-word. I have replaced all references to 9/11 C********y Theories with the term 9/11 Alternative Theories (with the exception of direct media quotes, URLs & one or two places where it makes sense to keep it) This may make the text a little jarring at times, as really it should 'alternative 9/11 theories' but it was quicker to change this way. I'd used the C-word to give myself a little mainstream respectability, but realised that I was actually only insulting the very people who might want to read and link to the blog, including myself.
So, I have a lot of catching up to do, and may simply work to publish something by the time of the 6th anniversary. I hope that 9/11 Truth activists in the UK will use this blog as an historical resource. I think it would be most effective as an introduction to 9/11 Truth for academically minded, lightly sceptical newcomers to the subject.
Any comments welcome.
Cheers, Ian
1 - Previously the site was anonymous. It was my intention to contact media analysts in order to interest them in the unfair way in which 9/11 Truth has been dealt with by the mainstream media. I contacted several and received no replies. I felt that by being anonymous, I would stand a better chance of being taken seriously, because it would only take a quick internet search to reveal that I have a reasonably long and deep involvement in 9/11 Truth. Thanks to Ian Neal for highlighting the blog at The War on Freedom forum and apologies for my anonymous reply. I have since realised that we can't wait for so called media professionals to take our case to the public - we simply have to do it ourselves. Be the media, Indymedia style.
2 - I always tried to write in as neutral tone as possible, and this will not change.
3 - The C-word. I have replaced all references to 9/11 C********y Theories with the term 9/11 Alternative Theories (with the exception of direct media quotes, URLs & one or two places where it makes sense to keep it) This may make the text a little jarring at times, as really it should 'alternative 9/11 theories' but it was quicker to change this way. I'd used the C-word to give myself a little mainstream respectability, but realised that I was actually only insulting the very people who might want to read and link to the blog, including myself.
So, I have a lot of catching up to do, and may simply work to publish something by the time of the 6th anniversary. I hope that 9/11 Truth activists in the UK will use this blog as an historical resource. I think it would be most effective as an introduction to 9/11 Truth for academically minded, lightly sceptical newcomers to the subject.
Any comments welcome.
Cheers, Ian